Ransomware is alive and well…and coming to a device near you. Why? It’s plain and simple, we make it profitable. As long as we are willing to pay up, the cycle will continue. A lot of organizations, big and small, public and private, are paying ransoms to get back access to their own information. Cyber-insurance […]
Tag: Ransonware
Small Business is a Big Ransomware Target
More than 70% of ransomware attacks target small business, with an average time of infection to encryption within three (3) minutes. Most data breaches and ransomware outbreaks happen because of two problem areas: 1) The perpetrators take advantage of known vulnerabilities from outdated, unpatched and unmonitored operating systems/applications; 2) The typical end-user is given too much […]
No Ransom, No Cry
The recent WannaCry (WannaCrypt) malware attack further shows how many organizations are still unprepared to prevent, respond and recover from such attacks. This malware and a lot of other viruses typically take advantage of a well-known exploits, most of which have a fixes/updates to mitigate these issues. Case in point, MS17-010. This security update had been out almost […]